My favorite beer store in Maryland, FWIW.
Southern Tier Creme Brulee
Stone 12th Anniversary
J.W. Lees Harvest in Port Casks
I've had bottles of the Creme Brulee and Stone 12th. The Creme Brulee was well executed, but I thoroughly didn't enjoy the taste. The Stone 12th was tasty but I was a bit buzzed at the time which made it a little more difficult to accurately review and have since gone back to purchase another bottle.
Pic(k) of the Week: Follow yellow line
13 hours ago
This is also my new fave place. I would highly recommend the Lagunitas Sirius, while it's still available.
Thanks for the recommendation! I'll look into it, sort of itching for some Lagunitas anyway.
I went to their facility on a recept trip to Northern California and they weren't open for a tour, so have been bumming out about them since but now I'm ready for more.
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