Big news out of Columbia as HoCo beer bar Frisco Grille is set to expand sometime in the future. Its been an open secret but I've been reluctant to say much as they sort through all the inevitable hurdles.
Whats important to know is that with the expansion, they'll likely have around 40 taps, doubling their current 20, and have a bar that seats 20-30. I don't have a solid date for construction and whatnot, but what will happen is that Frisco Grille will expand into the establishment next door, adding around 1,000 extra square feet of space.
More details to come, I'll try and get a look at the floor plans and relay more reliably how that all is going down. Great news though, as the additional seating and taps will elevate the overall local beer scene.
Pic(k) of the Week: Pink gnome #7
2 days ago
Good news, indeed. I'm overdue for a return visit.
Great News!
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