January 15, 2010

Experience 21st Ammendment's Golden Doom

Whatever that means!

I just got a call from Frisco Grille (Columbia, MD) saying they put 21st Ammendment's "Golden Doom" on tap. It just arrived from the warehouse, there's not much information about it but its a Belgian Golden style beer, an unexpected release from a brewery that's really starting to make its way in Maryland from out of its home base in San Francisco (blocks from the Giants' baseball stadium).

This follows the releases of the popular Monk's Blood, Hell or High Watermelon Wheat and Brew Free or Die IPA. Like the great Oskar Blues in Colorado, 21st Ammendment is famous for packaging their beer not in bottles but cans. Obviously they send it out in kegs as well.

Anyway, sounds exciting.


Caederus said...

Sources close to the 21A tell me that Golden Doom is a "California take on a triple." My interpretation of that statement is a hoppy triple.

BeerGuy said...

Cool, thanks!

Yeh its very Belgian-y. Delicious though, tastes like a cross of a BSPA and a tripel.

TAnt said...

what's a cross between a BSPA and a tripel taste like????

BeerGuy said...

I'm terrible with the taste description stuff but um, something with a bit to offer from each style.

Obviously a pale malt base flavor, a bit fruity in the nose and taste from the Belgian yeast strain(s), a little hop zip.

In this case its well made so the alcohol bite/warmth isn't so upfront.

steve TAnt said...

It's ok brotha I was just joking, we know what it tastes like ;)